Category Archives: Beauty

Hoop Earrings a Style From History

Earrings add beauty to a face. Different types of earrings suit different faces. Women have a fascination for earrings of all metals. While gold earrings are more traditional, silver earrings are smart. Earrings are essentially worn in the ear lobe, but in recent times, the trend is to wear them at the top of the […]

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Home Treatments for Stretch Marks

STRETCH MARKS Stretch marks (striae) are relatively common, even in males. It is not completely understood how they form, but there are several theories. One is that stretch marks form simply when the skin is stretched to the point of breaking and a scar is formed. Another interesting theory is that stretch marks are caused […]

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Home Teeth Whitening Tips

About a decade ago, people knew only one way of getting their teeth whitened- that was through dental in-office whitening. It was a wearisome procedure but slowly when people started showing a compulsive concern of having a whiter set of teeth, the impulsion goaded a number of different bleaching formulas and teeth whitening kits started […]

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Home Tanning Beds

These are the most popular and best selling home, non-commercial tanning beds that can be found on the market with prices ranging between $1500 to $5000. ETS SunVision ZX30 Tanning Bed: This tanning bed features a computer-designed Bio-Tech Tunnel Design for consistency. It has 30, 100 watt lamps, and is built with heavy-duty extruded aluminum […]

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