Category Archives: Beauty

Restorative Dentistry Procedure for Bringing Back Your Smile!

Restorative dentistry is the branch of dentistry which deals with correcting dental defects in individuals. All of us like to have pearly white teeth devoid of any defect. However everyone is not so lucky and has to encounter dental defects at some time or the other. Restorative dentists can do various restorative dentistry procedures to […]

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Restorative Dentist New York

No one likes to have teeth that are not bright and white. Teeth are a very important aspect for the overall appearance of a person. Looking good and appearing presentable is very important in today’s competitive world. However it is inevitable that some people will suffer from certain dental conditions due to many reasons. A […]

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Researches of Pueraria Mirifica

Pueraria mirifica Airy Shaw & Suvatabandhu is an indigenous herb of Thailand, known in Thai as “Kwao Kreu” or “Kwao Kreu Kao” (White Kwao Kreu). It belongs to the Family Leguminosae,subfamily Papilionoideae or the soy, bean & pea subfamily, The plants are commonly found in abundant in the forests in the north, the west and […]

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Research And Study On Pueraria Mirifica

In this article, we will discuss why this subject is so important and how you can benefit from this information. It has been revealed newly that Pueraria mirifica is protected to be worn in person in certain dosage as well as consumption period. The researcher has been conducting a sequence of researches casing the element […]

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Renewing Your Makeup Kit

Renewing Your Makeup Kit The best tricks for renewing your makeup kit. A few simple tips to put everything in order! Renew your make up case. Save time in the mornings! Empty your toiletry bag and put some order in it! -Discard all broken products. -Discard all products beyond their use-by date. -Check the expiry […]

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Removing Makeup – How to Cleanse your Makeup at the End of the Day

The prettiest makeup finish starts with the cleanest skin. The first step to clean, clear skin is thoroughly removing makeup with the right products. There’s certainly no shortage of products to choose from. It’s best to pick the one that’s made for your skin type. Here are some popular options. The two simple rules for […]

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