Category Archives: Software

A Guide To Computer Aided Design

Computer Aided Design (CAD) is a form of software automation that uses various computer-aided design tools that helps engineers, architects and other professionals in the design activity purposes. It is considered to be both software and special-purpose hardware. In product lifecycle management, the use of geometric tools plays a significant role. The CAD is available […]

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Beware Of Spyware — Steps To Take To Protect Your Computer

Spyware refers to malicious software that takes partial control of a computer’s operation through unauthorized access without the computers owners’ knowledge or consent, and has become one of the biggest security threats to computer users today. Spyware exploits infected computers for commercial gain, usually by including unsolicited pop-up advertisements; by monitoring the users’ online activities; […]

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How Hackers Take Control of Your Computer

Your PC has many “ports” which are vulnerable to attack from a hacker. These ports are used to communicate internally with your monitor or printer or externally to the internet. For example, Port 25 is used for receiving incoming email and Port 80 is used to connect to the internet. In addition you have a […]

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Remote Control PRO

Remote Control Pro is an enterprize-quality remote control software for network management in a corporate network. With using Remote Control Pro, a Network Administrator can control network servers as if they are working directly on the target PC. With Remote Control Pro the Network Administrator sees the remote PC screen on their monitor and use […]

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Optimize your digital workflow and get more time snapping

Digital photographers can save themselves work in the digital darkroom when processing their photographs simply by using the right software for the job. A long days shooting has the potential of meaning hours of work more in the digital photography darkroom, our computer. Hundreds of photographs taken in the day mean hundreds of photographs that […]

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