Category Archives: Software

Enterprise Content Management Reaches Out to Employees, Suppliers, Customers, and Government

Enterprise Content Management uses Internet technologies to make information accessible from all over the world. In an age of global business, this enables employees spread across the globe to maintain effective contacts with their headquarters and also other offices located anywhere in the world. Internet technologies are used to create an intra-business network, and Intranet, […]

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Offers a fun place to create, customize and share wish or goal lists

What is Post Wish website? Offers a fun place to create, customize and share wish or goal lists. What are your wish or goal with your life? you may try to write down them and make a lists on the Internet, so you can rate your wish or goal performance periodically and keep track of […]

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Convert RAW pictures to DNG format for peace of mind when archiving photographs.

RAW image files are proprieties of the cameras manufacturer their file extensions are unique to its own and do not exchange well over other programs they consist of “.RAF” for Fuji “.ORF” for Olympus, “.NEF” for Nikon and “.CRW”, “CR2” for Canon, just to name a few. Adobe has also developed a RAW image file […]

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Download Music, Movies and Games for Free – A Hot Issue

The Internet is used by a lot of people to download music, movies, games and various other soft wares for free. The legality of this practise is, and will be for a long time, a hot issue. Some countries want to totally stop the downloading of copy wright protected materials, like the U.S.A. Other countries, […]

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From Walldorf to Wall Street: The history of SAP

A well known achronym, SAP stands for Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing. The company was founded in Germany, in a town called Walldorf next to Heidelberg and was started in 1972 by five IBM engineers. It was a great business idea, put in the service of other businesses and providing them with highly specialized […]

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