Category Archives: Software

Software For Hard Jobs: Contractors Have Some Powerful Tools In Today’s Software

Like a kid jumping into the pool feet first, the building industry has rapidly gone from lagging to leading in the use of computers. A mere 10 years agone, the world was fair acquiring secondhand to Windows 95. And although some progressive contractors were already using office automation, such as word processing and accounting, to […]

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Banking Software: Do You Need It?

Whether you are considering the purchase of banking software for your personal use or for your business use, there are many reasons to consider this type of software. For one, you will reap many rewards. For another, it will relieve much work from your shoulders. But, do you need a banking software? You probably do […]

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Software outsourcing and its future

A report by research and consulting firm Forrester Research mentions that, jobs which are lost in United states because of software outsourcing are primarily low salary IT jobs. These jobs are like software programming or computer support specialists or computer operators. But on the other hand, high end high paying jobs like system analysts, network […]

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Take back control of your inbox. Eliminate annoying and potentially harmful e-mails

Are you tired of spam stealing your time, your money, your bandwidth and your hard disc space? The time you devote each day to sort and delete spam from your inbox could be put to much better use. In the European Union alone, the working hours employees are spending on sorting and deleting spam is […]

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OCR Software– Optical Character Recognition or Optical Crud Recognition?

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) refers to a software technology and processes that involve the translation of printed text into computer searchable text. Done correctly, OCR enables users to search for and retrieve individual words contained within a file or page. In addition, when a set of files is indexed, users are able to search for […]

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