Category Archives: Software

An Introduction To Microsoft Vista Business

As I’m sure you already know, Microsoft Vista is on the way! Microsoft projects that all five versions of Vista will be available by mid-2006, and if that holds this will be the longest time period ever between versions of Windows. Yes, that’s right – I said “all five versions”. Microsoft says that past versions […]

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Digital Surveillance: Software or Hardware?

If you are considering installing a surveillance system in your organization, you are probably deciding between the two types of solutions: hardware or software. With each approach having its pros and contras what will you choose? This article is about to help you make a weighted decision. If you are managing a condominium and want […]

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Condoms for Your PC – Defragmentation

Will defragmentation protect my PC from malware? Probably not. So why do it? Do it to keep your PC running as efficiently as possible. WHY DEFRAG – The objective of a process of “PC Maintenance Management” is to keep the PC operating efficiently with minimal disruption. A part of that process is to keep the […]

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Electronic data interchange (EDI), as the name implies, is a method of electronic information exchange between two business entities. It involves the usage of computer networks and related software to transmit information related to businesses. EDI is an efficient method of decreasing costs, overheads and errors that commonly occur during business transactions. Additionally, business information […]

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5 Tips For Buying Accounting Software

Whether you are shopping for accounting software to help budget your personal or business expenses, you may find that managing all of your files with a single program helps you to save time and know exactly where your money goes. If you are familiar with the accounting process, you already know how complicated ledgers, account […]

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How to find totally Free Spyware Removal program and avoid the shams

The need for computer users to install Anti-Spyware programs becomes more and more evident each day, as more and more users experience problems caused by Spyware. The problems can be annoying, but essentially harmless, such as a slow downed computer or irritating pop-up windows. Unfortunately, the Spyware programs are capable of causing much more sever […]

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