In 1975, the recently deceased Judith Rossner published her best selling book, “Looking for Mr. Goodbar.” The book told the story of a young female schoolteacher’s search for the perfect man, Mr. Goodbar. Her relentless cruising of the singles bars and her increasing flirtation with danger ultimately leads to her descent into hell and her […]
Category Archives: Dating & Relationships
In Indien werden verschiedene exotische Ritualen vollstreckt, die uns Europer vollkommen fremd aber exotisch erscheinen. Indische Hochzeiten sind meisten werden meisten gro, laut und besonders bunt gefeiert! Der indische Hochzeitstag wird traditionell nicht spontan festgelegt. Der genaue Zeitpunkt der Ehe ist zuvor per Horoskop bestimm. Die Ehe selber wird ganz im Sinne des Hinduismus geschlossen. […]
One of the most recurring mental blocks men face before they date is their eagerness to plunge into a deep, stable and unbreakable relationship. We must realize that men and women think, act and decide differently. Women thoroughly relish the long swelling waves of romancing that go up and down in their minds. They feel […]
A lot of people probably has purchased one of the books written by the famous couple Florence and Fred Littauer. They discussed an ancient old personality quartet or four basic types of personality all humans seem to have. Why is it ancient old? It was actually the famous Greek physician Hippocrates who lived from 460 […]
Every marriage has its ups and downs, its rough periods. Even in the best of circumstances, there are going to be difficult times. People change. Circumstances change. Emotions change. Over time, the natural ebb and flow of everyday life places incredible pressure on a relationship. Almost unnoticed at first, you begin to think thoughts that […]
One of the benefits of proposing marriage at this time of year is that family activities are inevitable. Proposing a day before a family gathering means you can share the exciting news with them in person the next day. Or you can take her parents aside to ask their permission in person and propose to […]