Lenten meals don’t have to be drab, unsatisfying or time-consuming. They can be appealing, healthful and quick. To be sure meatless meals are nutritious, simply follow the Food Guide Pyramid. Because they have such high-quality protein, eggs are a meat alternate and make a good Lenten choice. They’re also one of the easiest foods to […]
Category Archives: Recipes
There are some flavors which linger in the mind forever; a good soup, a comforting hotpot, a favorite cake or biscuit. One of the enduring flavors of my childhood was a traditional Scotch Broth – my aunts used to make this for us when we went to visit. You can vary the ingredients if you […]
Here’s food for thought: The challenge for many an outdoor chef is exploring options beyond the conventional universe of grilled hot dogs, hamburgers and steaks. An easy way may be to add zest with robust flavors. For example, instead of a hamburger, consider a Turkey Kraut Burger. The tartness of sauerkraut and Dijon mustard adds […]
Feeding your family on a tight schedule doesn’t mean you can’t eat well. Take advantage of your favorite fruits and vegetables available year-round in cans. Canned foods can be a great way to add fruits and vegetables to your diet. Because they provide convenient nutrition, canned foods can help you meet the new 2005 Dietary […]
There’s a simple and tasty way to round up healthy meals and corral great taste. Delicious ranch dressing adds a touch of the Old West to almost any meal. Now you can get great ranch naturally. Litehouse Ranch Dressing has no preservatives, no MSG and, because it’s made with heart-healthy canola oil, no trans fats, […]
Restaurant recipes are offered to you. That means that you can make your favorite dishes from your favorite location in your home. This helps to cut the cost down tremendously which can help you to trim your budget. Yet, you will not feel deprived because you still get to have your favorite foods. You can […]