In speaking of drawbacks of credit cards another form is the fraud of making copies of stored information upon the credit card, also known as “Skimming”. This has become extremely popular for those who are making the business of stealing other peoples financial information and making use of it. Each time you let your credit […]
Category Archives: Finance General
The Public Employee Retirement System is for government employees except for teachers and students. This is a mandatory membership and all members should fill out a form of application at the beginning of their employment. It is a benefit plan that gives benefits to employees once they retire. This will be based on the number […]
Unless you have a degree in finance, you probably don’t know all that you need to know in order to be an informed, responsible credit card user. Now you don’t need to be a finance expert to comprehend the basics covered in this article, but after reading it, you might feel like one the next […]
A premium finance transaction involves the borrowing of money from a bank or hedge fund to pay the premiums of a newly originated insurance policy. Premium finance is available to seniors age 65 and older. The majority of financed policies have a face amount of over $1,000,000. The senior will borrow the money for a […]
That is a good question and one that unfortunately there has not been an answer that everyone agrees upon. The term is a general description of the decreasing value of a unit of money over time. Therefore if you were to have 5 dollars now and went out and buried it and left it there […]
It is true that bankers also invest money in securities, and that some of these are foreign, but here again the proportion invested abroad is so small that we may be reasonably sure that any money left by us in the hands of our bankers will be employed at home. But in actual practice those […]