Payday advance are the short-term loans, which are convenient and quick way to fulfill the needs of between any two paydays. These loans are termed as payday advance because they are often repaid after one receives the next paycheck or benefit checks. These short-term loans may vary from 10-45 days of duration. For applying for […]
Category Archives: Finance General
How did your company do this month with the cash flow? Why not let the question go; how has your cash flow been this year? Did you sweat it out worrying you might not make payroll, get that vendor off your back, pay that tax bill that was due and it was a lot more […]
Invoice discounting helps to identify trade-financing deal that is right for you. It does not require any security and offers lower rates as compared to a loan or an overdraft. Since an external agency takes care of the total transaction it reduces the administration, book keeping costs and the most important benefit of the total […]
If sudden illness or injury from an accident happens to you as an employee it may mean that you can not earn a living for a period of time. If you own a company and it happens to a member of your staff, it can cause plenty of havoc and anxiety at an organization, even […]
Saving money is a hard task to master. It always seems that when things come up, there goes your savings. Many people I know never have any savings to start with. Saving money is the cornerstone of a successful money management plan. Without an emergency savings when my husband recently was laid off, we would […]
During the vacation I got to see many of the wonders that Amsterdam has to offer. One of the first things I went to see was the Van Gogh Museum. Having just gotten off the plane I was tired, but some of his art is just amazing to see, and I did not want to […]