Unless you are willing to pay terribly high interest rates, you should try to raise your credit score as much as possible. The lower your credit score, the higher the risk for the lender to grant you a loan and the higher the risk, the higher the rate. This is unavoidable, of course there are […]
Category Archives: Finance General
No one wants to experience a foreclosure on their home and it likely that they work hard to avoid it. It is unlikely that anyone takes out a mortgage with the clear intent to not make the payments and have a lender foreclose on the home. Sometimes things happen in life and makes missing a […]
Doesn’t it seem like wages are frozen in time? It can seem that way when we’re busily working at our job, which hasn’t seen a wage increase in years, while we watch prices at the grocery stores and petrol stations increase dramatically every single day. What are we to do? Times are tight on our […]
Do you remember any of the New Year’s resolutions you made for 2005? If you don’t, it may not be such a tragedy. After all, you still may have had a good quality of life even if you didn’t get to the gym three times a week, learn a new language or take that gourmet […]
These three fundraising events work well for any size group. To maximize your success, you must create awareness within the community of both the specifics of your fundraising event and the reason why your group is raising funds. Both are important to any fundraiser, but they are absolutely critical for pulling off a successful event. […]
There are many things we can all do at home to help out our environment, the following are some tips from HG-TV that we could all use: 1) Use that BBQ! You knew grilling was a healthy way to cook, but did you know it was good for the air? Outdoor grills take less energy […]