So what are low interest credit cards really all about? The following article includes some pertinent information about low interest credit cards –info you can use to make wise financial decisions. Trying to save on interest expense? Apply for a low interest credit card and start saving money by paying less interest expense. Low interest […]
Category Archives: Finance General
Often, when you cash a check through a bank, your money is given to you in a cash envelope. People used to spend the money in this envelope wisely, knowing that there was no more money until the next payday. They physically could look and see how much they had left everytime they shopped or […]
In a recent article titled “Internet use threatens to overtake TV in Canada” it discusses the threat of online marketing to traditional media sources in Canada. This isn’t a a threat anymore in the US. It is a fact. An article written by Thomas Mucha from Business 2.0 says: People are spending more time online […]
Many people think appraisals and assessments are the same thing or at least that they should be for the same amount. The truth is they can vary greatly. Let’s look at each of them. Appraisals An appraisal is an estimate of market value. An appraiser can use many methods for coming up with this estimate. […]
Many of you have probably heard the term “asset management” Before, but you may not have an idea of what it really is. Asset management is a broad term. It can be defined as a process that guides the gaining of assets, along with their use and disposal in order to make the most of […]
Cut back on groceries and gas expense to save money Groceries: If our body did not require food, we would have more money. However, our body needs nutrition so we must learn how to save money. Groceries are very expensive these days and prices are going up every day. All these high-rising expenses are because […]