Credit cards are one of the most useful tools in today’s world. With a credit card, you can purchase anything you want without actually carrying any money at all. A credit card works like a loan. Once you purchased an item using your credit card, you will automatically agree to pay the loan once the […]
Category Archives: Wealth Building
It’s a plastic ocean out there with numerous banks and financial institutions scrambling to sell you their 0 balance transfer credit card. And there are so many kinds of credit cards available in the market that a credit card user gets intimidated and perplexed about which card to choose. The result is that he often […]
How can credit card companies offer zero APR credit cards and still make money? Well, now that interest rates have gone up they don’t so much anymore. But zero APR cards are can still be found if you look, and the Internet is probably the best source. So what’s the catch? There are several: *sdfj […]