Category Archives: Anxiety

A Healthy Diet to Beat Anxiety

Everyone experiences anxiety. In fact, being unable to do so can be a sign of a serious psychological problem. In our hazardous world, anxiety is a strategy the body uses to help the mind recognize danger and keep well out of its way. As with most mental illnesses, it’s not the presence of anxiety alone […]

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Is There An Anxiety Solution For Those Who Fail To Keep Their Resolutions?

In a nutshell… YES! I’ve given a lot of thought recently to the power of ‘resolutions’ to that basic human instinct that continually drives us to improve ourselves and to expand our horizons. Perhaps you’re reading this now and resolving to finally conquer your anxiety? The trouble with resolutions, however, is sticking to them! All […]

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Diagnosing Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorders are more common than you may think. Millions of individuals suffer silently every year, when help is available. If you or a loved one suffers from an anxiety disorder, know that there is help and relief out there for you. The key is to find a doctor and therapist that will listen to […]

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Fear and Anxiety: They Are No Match For Hypnosis

Many people struggle each day with fear and anxiety. We’re not talking about being afraid that you didn’t pass your last test or anxiety over a job interview. Anxiety and fear become deep rooted elements of a person’s life and can create havoc in relationships and make it impossible to function on a day to […]

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Change: Major Source of Stress and Anxiety

Almost everyday, new discoveries and inventions take the headlines. Modern day living has caused our lifestyles to adapt to the radical changes brought about by advancement in science and technology. And along with these changes come stress and anxiety. While change is inevitable, stress is our natural response to any changes in our environment. Normally, […]

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Coping with anxiety through martial arts

“To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the highest skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the highest skill.” — Sun Tzu, The Art of War A lot has been said about martial arts. There’s a lot punching, kicking, and wrestling involved all considered as systems and tools of brutal […]

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