Category Archives: Depression

Don’t Let Stress Cause Depression

Traumatic events that make our lives stressful such as the death of a loved one, a failed relationship or maybe the loss of a job can lead to depression. In rare cases, even positive stress can lead to the development of clinical depression such as a move, getting married or even a new job. There […]

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Depression And The Signs Of Suicide

When you’re trying to lead a normal life and yet depression invades your every waking moment, the struggle of trying to pull off that charade can be more difficult than one could ever imagine. Depression and the signs of suicide are unfortunately all too often items that go hand-in-hand. People who do not either live […]

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Coping With Depression After A Parkinson’s Diagnosis

Parkinson’s disease is often thought of as a physical disease. In advanced cases it is not difficult to observe the tremors, tics, stiffness and mobility problems that are characteristic of the disease. Yet there is also a strong link between mental health and Parkinson’s disease, with dementia often taking hold during the disease’s later stages. […]

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Depression Treatment The B12 Way

Depression. It’s not just a word. It’s not just “the blues.” It’s a serious medical condition that affects countless individuals around the globe. In fact, some statistics put the figure of people who suffer the symptoms of depression in the millions. Regardless of your age, gender, social status, or location, you or someone you love […]

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Depression: Taking The Bull By The Horns

There is a phase in everybody’s life when one does not feel nice about many things or anything, and for no particular reason. If it is a short period, there is nothing to worry about, but if it stretches too long it could be depression. This kind of depression is some times disabling. When the […]

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Causes Of Depression And Your Life Style

Depression is a feeling that we get when something bad happens and we are unable to deal with it. Even though depression is now known to have serious effects if it persists for a long length of time, the actual causes of depression are not well defined. There are some theories that suggest a multiple […]

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