Category Archives: Gardening

Cheap Landscaping Ideas

This blog is on cheap landscaping ideas. One of the main hassles of a garden is not planting, but weeding. Weeds grow with remarkable speed and can quickly overtake a garden. Using a poison or herbicide like roundup is not recommended as you might kill your plants. I know that the manufactors claim the product […]

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Chain Saws – Choosing And Using Your First Saw

How do you choose and use a chain saw? There are a vast range of saws available in a range of sizes and powers, from small, electric chain saws that are only designed for light pruning work, up to massive petrol powered machines that can be used all day to fell trees. All chain saws […]

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Caring For Your Plant Bulbs

The only way to keep up with the latest about Caring For Your Plant Bulbs is to constantly stay on the lookout for new information. If you read everything you find about Caring For Your Bulbs, it won’t take long for you to become an influential authority. How can you put a limit on learning […]

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Caring For The Indoor Bonsai Tree

The indoor Bonsai Tree is a beautiful addition to any home or office, and once you learn how to care for these unique trees, they are a great hobby. Indoor Bonsai Trees are actually a miniature replica of a natural outdoor tree. The cultivation of the indoor Bonsai Tree first began in China and Japan […]

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