Category Archives: Gardening

Try Your Hand At Organic Gardening

In today’s world, we are constantly confronted with the many reasons why we need to eat healthier and exercise more in order to live longer and better lives. That being said, I see not enough information getting out about how we can actually put those principles into affect. I read that I need to exercise […]

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Tree Pruning Tips

There are two kinds of winter gardening. The first method usually starts in January as the gardening catalogs begin to arrive in the mail. This type of gardening is as easy as sitting in your favorite chair, browsing the catalogs, and either dreaming about what you’re going to do this spring, or actually drawing designs […]

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Top Five Reasons To Fail At Growing Gourds

Why do some fail to grow a good crop of gourds? There could be a number of reasons but these are my top five. 1. Failure to notice the length of the growing season. Are you located in an area that has a long growing season? Lucky you! This factor shouldn’t have much affect on […]

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Top 10 Ways To Accessorize Your Home Garden

A well-kept garden is a joy to behold. Adding to the curb appeal of your home, carefully chosen garden accessories can match or contrast with the style and color of your house. Whether you are a weekend flowerbed gardener, or whether your garden is planned to feed your family through the winter, lovely and fanciful […]

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