You have made a very informative, user-friendly and a detailed website using latest techniques but still not happy? There aren’t enough people to visit your site. You have made all efforts but your site doesn’t show up in search engines. You might be offering best products at best prices but people are not able to […]
Category Archives: SEO
Keeping SEO in mind when you design your site can make it much easier for you to get a good page rank and more traffic from day one. Link Farms: Some search engines use a recommendation system as part of how they rank your web site. So webmasters will often trade links with other webmasters. […]
The good news is that search engines have figured this out, and are now on guard for “spam” pages and sites that have increased their rankings by artificial methods. When a search engines tracks down such a site, that site is demoted in ranking or completely removed from the search engine’s index. The bad news […]
Now, you should have a blog full with content you have passionately written. It should be a very interesting grapevine for the community of your chosen niche, as opposed to a lifeless factsheet. However, no matter how delicious your content is, if there is nobody to read it you can’t generate profit from it. Traffic […]
The ever-increasing level of competition in the Web these days is like a mad scramble for most businesses, with thousands of sites and affiliates boxing-out each other for niche markets, increased traffic, and higher sales. Website and business owners who spend money on optimizing their websites in the search engines want to know they are […]