Category Archives: Pets

When Lizards will not eat, they have to eat

Like any animal, lizards at times in captivity will need to be force fed. There are situations and conditions which will result in a lizard not eating on their own. Some diseases lizards can get will result in seizures, or a similar condition. It is imperative not to feed them during an incident like this. […]

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When Dog Training Really Matters

Dogs can be very sociable. In fact, they sometimes get too sociable and get aggressive. That is why it is important to train the dogs to control their behavior. Moreover, dog trainings are important to avoid dog biting incidents. Statistics show that 77% of dog biting cases are mostly those that are within the family. […]

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When Did Dogs Become a Fashion Statements

It’s become standard for anyone wanting a glamorous aura to pick out their dogs like they pick out their shoes. “Ooh – I’ll have that darling one in the corner, great color – matches my handbag too!” And they’re easy to find – anyone with enough money can pick out the doglet of their dreams. […]

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