Category Archives: Web & Development General

MP3 Player If You Are On The Move

An Mp3 player is also known as a digital audio player, and it has become a regular fixture in our everyday lives. Everybody seems to have one these days. Walking the dog, at the gym, traveling to work, the idea that you can carry your entire music library with you anywhere is extremely appealing to […]

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New Age Solutions For New Age Business

Modern problems inevitably require modern answers. And modern business has to stay up to date with the changes that are constantly taking place. Technological advances have made it necessary for offices everywhere to deliver quickly and efficiently. There is a great deal of competition everywhere. A slight hiccup here and a faltering step there might […]

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Instructions On How To Refill An Ink Cartridge

While cartridges differ depending on the manufacturer, technology, and so on, the ink cartridge refill instructions are fairly similar between all of them. Some brands will be easier or more difficult to refill, but they all can be refilled if you know what you’re doing. Without further ado, below are the instructions for refilling your […]

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iPhone Availability Tracker

Apple has launched a small web application that will let customers check up on iPhone availability at its 164 national retail stores. The Apple retail availability tracker allows iPhone seekers to select their state of residence and then will display a list of Apple retail stores with iPhone availability indicators. If there is a green […]

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Is Your Personal Data Safe?

If you store credit card numbers, electronic bank statements, account numbers, and other personal data on your computer you are at risk. The risk is even greater if you have a broadband or DSL connection that is available 24/7. Spyware are programs that typically enter your computer through your browser. These programs can compromise your […]

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Know Your Internet Browser

IE is a very good browser in many respects, but the bad guys just love to hack at it and bombard you with nasty bugs. However, there is a better browser available that’s not subject to all these viruses and attacks. Internet Explorer is the most popular browser that is used for surfing the net […]

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